31.5933 Degrees South - 116.11138 Degrees East
Location: 14km North East from Bullsbrook on the right hand side of
Chittering Road, when traveling from Bullsbrook.
to there: When traveling North on the Great Northern Highway,
as you enter Bullsbrook, take the right hand turn, signed Chittering
Rd. Travel approx 14km down this road, on the right hand side you
pass a sign for the "Peace be Still" guesthouse. Just
past this on the right hand side is the Golden Grove tea rooms.
Turn right into the drive and go between the tea rooms and the
building on your right. Go over the bridge and in front of you is
a green sorting shed, look to left and you will see a large dish and two
sheds to the right of the dish, these two buildings are the Golden Grove
your car in the large area by the sorting shed and walk down to the
Be very careful when traveling along Chittering Road as I have never
seen as many Kangaroos anywhere before. At times in the paddocks
alongside the road they appear like flocks of sheep, NO I am not kidding
! They seem more abundant as you get closer to Golden Grove.